Step by step membuat Easy Homemade Focaccia

Easy Homemade Focaccia ~ memang waktu ini sedang banyak dicari oleh masyarakat disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. Mereka memang telah terbiasa mamnfaatkan internet di smartphone untuk mencari informasi gambar untuk dijadikan inspirasi. Seterusnya merupakan gambar berkaitan dengan Easy Homemade Focaccia yang dapat kamu jadikan wawasan.

Easy Homemade Focaccia anda bisa membuat Easy Homemade Focaccia pakai 11 bahan 9 langkah. Inilah langkah-langkah untuk membuatnya.

Bumbu dan bahan untuk memasak Easy Homemade Focaccia

  1. Sediakan For Dough.
  2. Anda membutuhkan 1 cup Warm Water.
  3. Kamu membutuhkan 1 Packet Active Dry Yeast.
  4. Silahkan sobat persiapkan 1/4 teaspoon Honey.
  5. Silahkan sobat siapkan 2 1/2 cups All Purpose Flour.
  6. Kamu membutuhkan 1/2 teaspoon Fine Salt.
  7. Siapkan juga For Infused Flavored Oil.
  8. Anda perlu 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  9. Sediakan juga 2 tablespoons Herbs Of Your Choice (Rosemary, Thyme, etc).
  10. Kamu siapin 2 Garlic Cloves (Optional).
  11. Anda perlu Toppings Of Your Choice (Olives, Caramelized Onions, Herb Sprigs, etc).

Langkah cara memasak Easy Homemade Focaccia

  1. First, combine ingredients for infused oil in a cold medium-sized pot. Place pot over low heat, stirring occasionally until aromatic, about 5 - 10 minutes. Set aside to cool..
  2. In large mixing bowl, combine water, yeast and honey. Stir gently and let it sit for 5 minutes or until foamy..
  3. Add in 1 cup of flour and 1/4 cup of infused oil into yeast mixture and stir gently with a wooden spoon until flour is wet. Let mixture rest for 30 minutes at a warm area..
  4. Mix in the remaining flour and salt. Stir with wooden spoon until dough comes together. Then, tip dough on a floured surface and knead 10 - 15 times till smooth..
  5. Place dough in a large, well-oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel. Place in a warm corner and let it rise for an hour..
  6. After an hour, pre-heat oven at 230 Celsius..
  7. Oil your baking pan (preferably 9in x 13in) with half of the remaining infused oil, about 2 tablespoons worth..
  8. Tip the dough into oiled baking pan and press it down to fit pan. Use fingers to dimple the dough and pour the last of the infused oil onto dough. Sprinkle with toppings of choice and let dough rise for another 20 minutes until slightly puffy..
  9. Bake until golden brown, about 15 - 20 minutes, depending on your oven. Cool on wire rack and enjoy!.

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